Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 54...

So Timothy likes to throw his body back when he is in his high chair.  It is really cute and funny!

Day 53...

They just looked so cute sitting together, I had to snap a picture. 

Day 52... husband has wanted a boat for a few years now.  He has finally worked out a way to get one and is very excited about it.  This is Jessie's new boat!  I hope he has a lot of fun in it, I also hope that he doesn't live in it this summer!

Day 51...

I just thought that this looked so cute.  Savannah just chilling in the double stroller with her foot though the cupholder.  Such a silly baby!

Day 50...

So tonight was the 3rd Annual Chili Cook-off for Cedar Rapids 3rd Ward.  Jessie tries every year to make a spicier chili and every year he succeeds.  Last year he was awarded the Pepto Bismal award.  This year he got the Greatest Kick award.  I did hear though that Halden Rasmussen made a very spicy chili as well, so it looks like Jessie has some compition.

We also had provident living tables set up.  Basically, people brought in stuff they no longer wanted but that was still in good shape and other people were free to take it home if they wanted it.  Of course, my children found toys.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 49...

My fridge is my message center for school notes, library notes and menus.  We have the school lunch menu, our family menu, the school calender, notes about Devan's various activities and a library schedule.  Back before we had all these kiddos, my fridge was full of pictures, now it's notes and various magnets that reflect our travel.  How time flies.

Day 48...

So I have noticed that a lot of my pictures are blurry.  I think it is because I am impatient for my pictures and I don't want to give my camera the time to auto focus for the best picture, so I am going to try to be better about that.  Here is Savannah after eating ravoli for supper.  She really enjoyed them and got very messy.  She went right up to her bath after supper.

Day 47...

Even with a double ear infection and RSV, I am a happy baby!

Day 46...

This is what I accomplished today.  Being sick really kind of sucks and it makes it very hard to be productive.  At least I did get the blog updated though.  I really need to try and do it more often.  Once or twice a week just isn't that great.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 45...

Happy Valentine's Day!  Nothing says I love you like nursing your spouse back to health.  I had to go to the doctor on sunday and found out that I have strep throat.  So this is the care package my hubby got for me.  Medicine from the doctor, diet cherry 7-up, and chicken noodle soup.  I am very thankful that we did our date the night before and that the kids had a half day today which meant my momma, who works for the schools, had today off and could stay with us for a few days so that I can rest and feel better.  Thanks momma!

Day 44...

Savannah loves to sit in this little booster seat.  She seems to think that it is her own little chair.  She always has a book with her lately, which is super cute.

Day 43...

The kids played outside today.  These are the winter days that I love.  Lots of snow on the ground but it's warm enough to let the kids play until they can't move anymore.  Then inside for hot cocoa.  Yea for warm winter days!

day 42...

Tonight we had our relief society meeting and we learned how to make some really yummy candy.  Lisa was very much against me taking her picture, which made it lots of fun to take her picture.  As you can tell from this picture, she is not amused.  I wouldn't have taken her picture as much if she hadn't been involved in making every kind of candy we made tonight.  Here she is with Chris Thomson and Amanda Hadenfeldt making peanut cluster.  It was a really fun night and Lisa I promise no bad pictures were saved. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 41...

So yesterday Jessie went to the doctor because his back has been hurting him again.  He has an old injury that acts up occassionally and we figured that was what was going on.  Nope, turns out he just strained some muscles in his back, so the doctor prescribed him some pain killers and some muscle relaxants.  Yea medicine.  This picture was actually taken today, I completely forgot to take a picture yesterday, but I figured I could do it this way because this is what yesterday was in our house.  Crossing my fingers that it doesn't happen again.

Day 40...

Picture of the day #2  with Devan

Tuesday was a snow day and the kids actually played together nicely for the majority of the day.  One of the things they did was build a tower out of blocks and they insisted I take a picture of it.  It was very cute.

Day 39...

Okay, here we are.  Devan is in a picture of the day!  On Monday, after school we made cinnamon rolls...from scratch...with the help of my breadmaker.  It did all the kneaded and rising for us.  Then we rolled out the dough. 

Then we painted it with butter and sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar.  Finally, we rolled them up, cut them into pieces, and set them on top of the stove to rise.  They turned out okay, not great but okay.  And it was a really fun afternoon with the kids.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 38...

Savannah is such a monkey.  And so much earlier than Dietrich or Evelyn was.  I really worry sometimes about what kind of trouble she is going to get into as she gets bigger.  It doesn't help that she really doesn't look big enough to be able to do all this climbing.  This is her newest climbing feat.  She likes to climb onto the changing table and then get things off of the top of the entertainment center.

Day 37...

So I was brave/stupid today.  We took the entire family with us to go grocery shopping.  Talk about being exhausted afterwards.  Won't be doing that again anytime soon.  But I decided to snap some pictures of the kids having fun looking at toys to spend their allowances on, and Timothy looked really cute so I had to take a picture of him too.  He is so big.

Savannah was in the other shopping cart and I didn't get a picture of her.  Devan hides when I get out the camera, but today asked why he hadn't been in any of my pics of the day.  Hmmm....  So I think I will need to get sneaky and surprise him.

Day 36...

On Fridays, the library has toddler story time.  I decided that it would be fun to take Dietrich to it.  He had a lot of fun and then discovered that there were computers to play on.  He had a lot of fun with those as well.  He even helped pick out books for us to read to Savannah and Timothy.  I think we will make it a regular part of our month. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35...

My husband preparing for his night out tomorrow night.  He plays Magic: The Gathering every Friday night at Battlezone games in Hiawatha.  He has a lot of fun and it helps him to destress from a hard work week.

Day 34...

Timothy and I were cuddling before bed and he just fell asleep.  He is such a cute baby and so cuddly.  I love this stage.

Day 33...

Timothy's first bitter biscuit.  He had a lot of fun with it and then had a bath afterwards.  He did actually manage to eat about half of it. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32...

It snowed tonight and it was one of those pretty snows. 

Day 31...

So, once a month Evelyn takes snack for her kindergarten class.  The last few times it has been on a Monday and I of course leave it until Sunday evening to try and figure out what to send.  So this time we made a homemade trail mix of sorts.  It was a hit with kids, but I think next time I will plan ahead better.

Day 30...

So, my awesome mother-in-law got me a new washer and dryer.  This does of course cover Christmas, birthday, mother's day, anniversary and any other gift giving holiday for the next few years.  But it is worth it.  They work so wonderfully and are so quiet and don't shake the house when they run!  Thanks Deb!