Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 139...

So we went fishing tonight.  The middle two kids love to do this with Dad and we decided to have a picnic.  It was a lot of fun and Jessie caught this huge bluegill!  The kids were really excited about it and wanted to touch it.  Of course they thought it was slimy and yucky, but it was cute to watch.

Day 138...

We made the big move tonight!  Evelyn and Dietrich now have their bunk beds.  They are very excited about them and it does really open up their room again so they can play in it.  I just pray that Evelyn won't roll out of bed and that it doesn't hinder night potty training.

Day 137...

So Timothy has been crawling up the stairs for a while now, but today someone helped him pull the gate down so he could do it without anyone knowing.  He is really good at them and rarely falls.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 136...

We had a big dinner with the missionaries tonight and Savannah wanted to eat at the big table.  They grow up so fast.

Day 135...

So I realized that I never posted a picture of the finished play set.  os here it is.  Jessie and Devan did a great job.  The kids really enjoy playing on it, and to make sure the little kids don't feel left out, we got them this.

Day 134...

I just love this picture of Timothy chilling in the car.  He is such a laid back baby most of the time. 

Day 133...

So tonight was our monthly relief society weekday meeting.  Kathy Bullock taught us how we can us T-shirts to make many different things.  We had a lot of fun and got some great ideas.  If you look closely in the background you can see Matt Foster talking to Lisa Jarbo.  Matt was there to pick up his children.  I just thought it was funny that he ended up in the picture.

Day 132...

Savannah is obsessed with shoes.  She is my daughter!  Today she put Timmy's shoes on her feet all by herself.  Luckily they are in the same size so she couldn't stretch them out.

Day 131...

On Saturday, Devan and the other scouts went out ot do a service project.  They planted these trees and laid out a lot of mulch and did other landscaping.  The things that we can accomplish when we work together are amazing.  Way to go Devan!

Day 130...

The way nature is always overcoming obstacles amazes me.  Here is this tree trying to grow and it doesn't care about the power lines that are in the way or the signs that it will block, it just wants to grow big and strong.  We could all learn something from this tree about how we should focus on what really matters.

Day 129...

Happy Mother's Day!!!

All of the kids wanted to cuddle dady today.  It was so nice.  I got some stuff I wanted to and a great day with my family.

Day 128...

Today I took Evelyn to get her hair fixed after she cut it yesterday.  I threaten to have it all hacked off to even it up, butg I decided to be nice.  I don't know if I like the haircut or not, I think it will have to grow on me.

Day 127...

Evelyn decided to cut her hair at school today. 
I was not happy.

Ummm...Friday Flip Offs

Okay, so I am getting pretty behind on my project 365 posts.  I have taken the pictures I promise, just findng time to post lately has been rough. 

So lots of people in the blogging world do these Friday Flip Offs!  I think I might join in today.

1.  To DHS for making us live in limbo longer, lets give unfit parents more time and more rope to hang themselves, nevermind that I have a life and a family of my own to take care of....Flip off!

2.  To parents who can't take care of their kids and then talk about having more kids..Flip off!

3.  To inconsiderate teenagers who don't listen and always seem to have attitude...Flip off!

4.  To people who ask for help but don't really want it, if you ask me for help, I will do my very best to help you and will be very annoyed when waste my time and energy...Flip off!

5. To myself  for being such a negative person this week and having no patience for my children and the everyday messes that mean nothing in the grand scheme...Flip off!

and finally

6. To people who waste everyone's time, just because you have nothing better to do, don't assume that we don't either...Flip off!

So now to see if I can get into a more positive attitude for my weekend off.  I promise to get my project 365 caught up this weekend, so check back often to see what has been happening in the crazy world that is mine.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 126..

Savannah was very pleased with herself for climbing into the highchair all by herself.  She even got her feet in right.  Then she realized she didn't know how to get out.  Not so happy now.

Day 125...

More testing in Iowa City today.  Poor little guy would not give in to his nap until almost 3 pm, way past nap time.  The testing was productive though.  We have confirmed his profound hearing loss in both ears and we have also learned that even with his hearing aids, he still has a severe hearing loss.  This means that the next step is to get everything ready for a cochlear implant in the left ear in hopefully about a month or so.  Then three or four months after that, we will do a cochlear implant on his right ear.  So, we have a long road ahead of us, but we know the destination so it is okay.  The advances they have made with the cochlear implants is amazing and Timothy will be able to do all the things a normal hearing child can do like playing an instrument or playing football.  They have even made them water resistant now so he can run through a sprinkler with it on and be fine.  Of course, he will have to take them off to go swimming or take a shower, but that is about all.  It is really amazing.

Day 124...

So if you look closely, you will see the owie on Dietrich's lip.  He fell at his school today and really hurt his lip.  It took almost an hour to stop bleeding.  I did take him to the doctor because it was pretty deep, but no stitches.  The doctor said it would be more painful to do the stitches than to let it heal on its own.  Poor Dietrich! It was also really swollen, you could barely understand what he was saying.

Day 123...

Picture to come...need some help from my hubby editing it.  It is a picture of Savannah being a monkey in the bath tub but I want to blur out her bottom so it isn't inappropriate.

Update:  With my new Photoshop Elements 9 that I got for Christmas, I finally edited the picture and am now posting it.  Yeah me!

Day 122...

Daddy with his two babies.

Day 121...

We have had lots of bunnies in our yard so far this year.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 120...

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got Timothy's hearing aids today!  They are so cute!  Zebra colorings with inner ear moldings to match.  When they are on properly, you can't even really see them from the front, but he sure is styling!

Day 119...

A clean dining room table...very rare in our house.  Had to document it just so I knew it could happen.

Day 118...

My guide to entertaining the children this summer.  Swimming lessons, soccer, dance, music classes.  Should be a fun filled summer.

Day 117...

Evelyn singing in her kindergarten program.  She was very excited to sing and she practiced all the time.  She certainly loves to sing!