Sunday, April 17, 2011

My week...

Jessie left on Thursday to go to Maryland for work.  It is so easy to forget how much I rely on him to help me with the kids until he leaves me all alone.  So far, everything is going well.  No major problems and lots of love and support from my friends and fellow sisters in the ward. 

Of course, no week can be without its adventures and this week was no different.  On Tuesday, my washing machine decided to break.  It is leaking water from the seal we think and the soonest the repairman can come look at it is this Tuesday.  So we have been hanging out at Cole's doing laundry and just having fun.

Yesterday, Devan had a stake youth activity and got home around 9:30 pm.  He injured his foot and I had hoped it wasn't a big thing.  Turns out he cracked a bone in his foot and now has to use crutches and wear a "boot" for a few weeks.  Poor Devan, sure has been injury proned this past year.

Today was the Purifoy day at church it seemed.  Devan gave a talk in sacrament meeting on applying the scriptures and general conference talks to our lives.  Evelyn gave a talk in primary about how all mankind can be saved through the atonement.  And I taught the lesson in relief society about charity.  It went really well I think, especially since I had Timothy in the room the whole time.  Another sister was watching him, which was wonderful and really allowed me the chance to focus on my lesson. 

So Jessie is suppose to be home Friday afternoon and needless to say, I can't wait!  But I know things will be fine and the time will go quickly.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 364...

This is how Timothy and all of the kids rang in the new year.  Doesn't he look so cute in his bed?  I love this little guy!

And so ends my project 365, or should I say project 364 since this wasn't a leap year?  I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into my crazy life that I wouldn't trade for anything.  Come back and visit every so often and maybe there will be new updates.

Day 363...

Dietrich really loves baby Finn!  We did our last Christmas tonight with the Fosters.  It was a good holiday season.

Day 362...

So I used my super cool Adope Photoshop 9 to make a really cool invite for Dietrich's and Issac's birthday parties.  The first and last picture are the pictures I took today but I really wanted to share the whole invite as my picture for the day.

A friend recently commented that she missed my blogging, so I am finishing up my project 365 posts to be able to just blog about whatever I feel like talking about.  I guess it was just the kick in the rear I needed to be least for a few moments.  :)