Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Day of School

Most of the kids started school this last week.  Timothy, Dietrich and Evelyn are all going to Kenwood Elementary this year.  They have a preschool program there designed for deaf or hard of hearing children.  He starts on Monday and we are super excited to know that he will be in such a wonderful program.  He will have an interpreter everyday and one of his teachers has cochlear implants herself. 

Dietrich started kindergarten this year and so far he is loving it.  He has a good teacher and has already starting making new friends.

Evelyn is now in third grade.  She has a student teacher in her room and she is enjoying the enviroment at Kenwood.  She is striving to be a good big sister and look at for her younger brother.

Savannah will being doing Parents Day Out again this year.  She will be in the 3 year old room this year and will be going twice a week.  She is very eager to start and I am excited to have a few hours a week to myself.