Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 82...

Yesterday, I left my camera on the kitchen table and the kids thought that it would be fun to take pictures.  Some of them actually turned out really cute.  I liked this one of Evelyn because it is just her being her.

Day 81...

Spring Break is here!  The kids had so much fun playing outside today.  The weather has been really good the last week or so, if you ignore the one day of snow that quickly melted.  Yeah for spring!

Day 80...

Savannah is very accident prone, just like I was when Iwas little.  Yesterday, Dietrich decided to help her injury herself and pulled her down from something she was climbing on.  She bit her lip and got this bruise.  It is hard to see in the picture, buit just imagine Joker from The Dark Knight.  It looks so out of place on her.  My poor baby! Speaking of poor babies, Mason has had one heck of a week.  His first ear infection turn into a double ear infection.  Then he got RSV.  And today he went to hte hospital.  Turns out he is allergic to the antibiotic they have him on and so now he has hives all over his body.  One good thing, the antibiotic did work, the ear infections are gone.

Day 79...

So this is what I see every time I pull into my driveway, Jessie's boat.  We need to clean up the garage so we can fit it in there, but for now it sets in the driveway.  I can't believe how excited about this Jessie is.  He is like a little kid with the coolest toy ever.


So monkey girl Savannah has figured out how to climb over the gate to get upstairs.  And someone left the bathroom door open today.  TP everywhere.  It was really cute watching her play with it.  Evelyn wanted to be in the picture too, she just walked right in front of me as I pushed the button.  Silly kids!

Day 77...

The weather is so nice today!  I decided it was time to clean up the yard and get it ready for the kids to play in.  Dietrich wanted to help so much, so I gave him the rake and just let him have fun. 

Day 76...

So we went to Best Buy tonight to buy a new computer.  Of course we had to look at other things.  The middles found the Rock Band: Beatles display and just couldn't resist.  They had so much fun!

Day 75...

So the river is rising here again.  Certainly makes one nervous after the flood of 2008.  If you look closely, in the picture you can see two city employess on the bridge.  It looks like they are measuring the river depth.  They are predicting that the river will crest today or tomorrow.  Here is another picture.  This one shows the new train bridge in the background.  They had to rebuild the train bridge last year because of the 2008 flood.  The waters just destroyed the old bridge.

Day 74...

So, tonight Jessie & I celebrated the fact that we had successfully made it through a very stressfull week.  With everything that has been going on, it was nice to just sit down and share a bottle of sparkling wild berry juice.  It was so relaxing and it made me feel like I could do anything.  Thanks honey!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 73...

Here is just another moment of my Savannah looking too cute.  It started off that she had her Doggy Meows and it looked like she was reading the book to him.  Then she saw that I had the camera and was being very smily.  Then she saw the tv and got sucked in...for like a minute. 

Day 72...

So for some unknown reason, Savannah woke up at 6 am this morning.  After having her cup and playing for a while, she wanted to cuddle with Devan.  They fell asleep on the couch together and looked so precious.  These are the little moments that make every other minute of craziness worth it!

Day 71...

So tonight I gave the camera to my husband and told him to take a picture of something.  This is what he took a picture of.  I love this little boy so much and can't imagine life without him.  I am just keeping my fingers crossed that everything will turn out the way it should for him.

Day 70...

This is one of the areas we put together in the women's garden we created.  Our inspiration was the women's garden at Nauvoo, IL.  We were striving for a space the was spiritual and reflective and I am fairly certain that we acheived it.  What a great night it was!

Day 69...

This is what my computer desk looked like today.  Tomorrow is the Relief Society birthday party and so I am trying to get everything done.  Notes being made for the game we are going to play.  Testimonies being typed up and printed on pretty paper for the women's garden area.  Busy, busy, busy!

Day 68...

Evelyn is so excited about school every day!  I love that she is happy to be learning and I hope it continues!

Day 67...

I ran to the store tonight and when I came out, it was sprinkling.  The tree just looked so inspiring that I had to take a picture.  You can't see it in the picture, but the tree was sparkling from the water.  What a great way to be reminded of the beauty that is all around us. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 66...

So Savannah is hitting her destructive phase.  This is one of Evelyn's books after Savannah got done with it.  Evelyn took it pretty well, no tears.  I think that maybe she thinks we can fix it but I don't know if we can.  Savannah is having lots of fun lately doing things that she just shouldn't be doing.  What a silly baby!

Day 65...

In pretty much every room of our house, we have a bucket of toys.  This is helpful with the babies so that we always have toys that they can play with close by.  It is frustrating sometimes that it seems that the children have completely overrun our home, but I know that this is just a phase and it will pass all to quickly. 

In other news, only 300 more days to go.  I am really hoping that it will get easier soon.  February was a hard month for me.  Let's hope that the warm weather will provide more photo opportunities that are no brainers.

Day 64...

I just thought that Timothy looked so cute sleeping tonight.  Is there anything more precious than a sleeping baby?  With two babies in the house, I know that I certainly enjoy the quiet time when they are sleeping.  Now, if I could only figure out how to get them to always take their naps together.

Day 63...

Dietrich did not want to go to bed tonight.  He was crancky and just not behaving, so I decided to let daddy put him to bed when he got home.  While we were waiting, Dietrich hid on the couch behind the big pillow and promptly fell asleep.  It was a cute end to his crankiness and so I had to take a picture.

Day 62...

So today, Timothy had his appointment in Iowa City.  They did another ABR test to figure out what Timothy hears and doesn't hear.  They also made small incisions in his ear drums to check for fluid.  There was no fluid in his ears and he failed the ABR.  He is severly to profoundly deaf.  We were expecting it, but it was still hard to hear.  We then went and got the process started to get him his hearing aids.  This picture shows the mold in his ear that they will use to make the insert of his hearing aid.  We did get to pick out what they will look like and the are black and white, kind of zebra like.  I think that they will be cute.  We go back next month to get them.  Hopefully they will work for him, if they do not then we have to start looking at a cochlear implant.  Please keep your fingers crossed and pray for him that the hearing aids will work.
Here is what the molds looked like after they were taken out of his ears.

Day 61...

So Savannah had this really bad poopy diaper at Cole's house and so we put the three babies in the tub together since they all needed baths anyways.  It was the first time we put Tim in with the other babies.  He is really liking baths finally.  It was really cute to watch them play.

Day 60...

So I thought the moon looked really cool tonight and I tried to get a really good picture of it, but my hands are wobbly.  Still I think it kind of looks like the moon.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 59...

So Savannah took a long nap after church today and was not ready to go to bed with the other kids.  We had a lot of fun having some mommy and Savannah time before she let me know she was ready for bed.  She has recently started carrying her blanket around with her and when she dropped it tonight, I put it on the dining room table so I wouldn't forget to take it back upstairs with her.  Well Savannah climbed right up onto the table, grabbed her blanket and laid down.  It was too cute to resist and she even gave me a smile for the camera. 

Day 58...

Savannah the monkey is at it again.  She climbed right up onto the second shelf of the changing table and starting playing like it was the most natural place to be.  She just make sme laugh sometimes.

Day 57...

We went to story time at the library today.  Timothy was at a visit with his parents, so I just had my two little ones.  It was a nice trip and since they behaved so well, I rewarded them with a ride.  Savannah was really excited about it until the jeep started moving.  Then she wasn't so sure about it.  But she sure looks bigger up there with Dietrich.

Day 56...

So for Christmas my brother got me Animal Crossing for the WII.  You make a town and you are responsible for cleaning it up and being a good neighbor.  You plant trees and flowers, go fishing, dig up fossils, and run errands for your friends.  It moves in real time and is just a fun game to play.  Well, today spring came for me in my town.  I was so excited to see the green, I just had to take a picture.  Even though it is a game, it uplifted me to see the signs of spring and to hear the sounds of spring.  It will come!

Day 55...

Jessie is looking at boat stuff while watching a fishing show.