Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 358...

Homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning, YUM!

Day 357...

Christmas #2 @ Great-Grandma Evelyn's.  Jessie always gets super silly around his aunts, uncles and cousins.  It was a fun night!

Day 356...

These dots are snowflakes.  I love the snow, especially around Christmas time!

Day 355...

Happy Birthday Devan!

Day 354...

Dietrich doesn't know which one of his Christmas toys to play with so he decided to play with all of them.  And so begins our Christmas celebrations, one down, five to go.

Day 353...

Deb arrived today and she got the three little kids these desk/chair combos and Timothy really loves his!

Day 352...

Timothy sure loves his daddy.

Day 351...

Savannah loves her new laptop from Grandma Deb.  Happy Birthday Savannah!

Day 350...

Happy 30th Birthday Nicole!

Day 349...

We have SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 348...

Dietrich singing in his Christmas program for his "school."  Notice the not Christmas attire?  Oops!  But it was a lot of fun to watch and he sang every song!

Day 347...

Timothy really loves this rocking horse and the XBox controller.  Silly boy!

Day 346...

The red dot that the arrow is pointing to is the only visible damage to my foot from the leaf for the kitchen table.  It fell on my foot and talk about pain!  It did eventually bruise up really good and now over 6 weeks later is still sensitive to the touch.  OUCH!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 345...

Evelyn decorating cookies at an activity offered by our local YMCA.

Day 344...

Christmas presents for Timothy from his biological paternal grandmother.

Day 343...

Savannah doing some Christmas shopping.

Day 342...

Dietrich had a lot of fun looking at the Christmas trees.

Day 341...

Doesn't Savannah make a cute elf?

Day 340...

Timothy was hanging out at Barnes and Noble while Evelyn sang with some kids from her school.