Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 177...

So we went over to the Fosters tonight to hang out.  We put a movie in for the kids and then we played a board game.  When it was time to leave, everyone was still awake except for Dietrich.  He looked so cute I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Day 176...

Timothy's incision, or part of it.  It actually continues all the way down to the bottom of his ear.  He has been so good with it, not playing with the sitches and letting me clean it twice a day so it doesn't get infected.  He got his stiches out today and started eye drops for his pink eye that he now has in both eyes.  Poor baby!

Day 175...

Nicole is having a baby!  I love ultrasound pictures when you can tell the different parts of the baby.

Day 174...

Evelyn's first practice game.  She had a lot of fun.  I think
soccer is a hit.

Day 173...

So we didn't celebrate Timothy's birthday on Firday because of his surgery, so we had his party tonight.  He had a lot of fun opening presents and he really enjoyed his birthday cake.

Day 172...

Took the whole family to the library tonight.  I really enjoy watching Jessie do daddy things with the kids.  The funny part with this picture is Jessie is reading a story to Dietrich and listening to an audio book at the same time.  What a multi-tasker!

Day 171...

So Savannah decided that Father's Day was the day she would be liberated from her crib.  She climbed out of it, Timothy's crib and the pack-n-play.  So we took the side off of her crib and converted into a toddler bed.  She looks so cute sleeping in it.  Not cute is the hour it took to get her to this point.  We have done this twice before so I know that it will past but still frustrating.

Day 170...

Took the bigger kids to the library today and of course had to let them play on the rides.  They have so much fuun doing it.  in other news, we broguht Timothy home from the hospital today and he is doing great.

Day 169...

So today was a big day.  Timothy turned one and he had his first surgery.  His right cochlear implant was put in today.  He has been such a trooper.  Drinking right after his surgery and eating well once the anesthetic wore off.  He has been very cuddly and very sleepy of course, but still just a great baby.  I love this little guy.  Here are some other pictures from today.

Jessie all dressed in his sterile scrub cover
This was a just in case thing.  If Timothy got fussy with the doctors, Jessie was ready to take Timothy to the operating room.  Of course Timothy was fine with the doctors and Jessie didn't make it to the operating room.
 I was playing with Timothy before surgery.  Such a happy baby!
playing with Grandma before surgery
Playing with Daddy before surgery

Day 168...

So, our old microwave caught on fire today.  Literally on fire.  It was the freakest thing.  I was trying to make popcorn for the kids to have while watching a movie and sparks starting popping inside the microwave.  Then flames on the side.  Needless to say, no popcorn for kiddos.  We did go out and buy a new microwave.  I really like it and it is a little bit bigger than our last one.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 167...

Finally, a nice day.  So like a good family, we went to the splash pad and the park.  the kids had a great time.  I really love this picture of Dietrich playing.  He is such an active little boy.

Day 166...

So today was another one of those  raining days.  The kids were driving Nicole and I crazy, so we took them to the play area at Lindale Mall.  Savannah was right there playing with the big kids.  Mason was also a big kid today. 

day 165...

So I planted this flower two years ago.  The first year, it didn't bloom.  Last year it started blooming but Dietrich pulled it off.  So this year I was determined to get a picture of it.  Isn't it pretty?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 164...

Sully, the other kitty that we aer cat sitting.  He is very lovable.

Day 163...

I want to take the picture mom!

Day 162...

This is Elder Tex.  He is currently one of the missionaries serving in our ward and he hails from Texas.  So of course Jessie likes him and they do this great bit about how great Texas is, I know better...teehee.

Day 161...

Evelyn's last day of school.  the had a fiesta.  I couldn't seem to catch a picture of Evelyn trying to hit the pinata, but since Dietrich went right after Evelyn, I got lots of pictures of him swinging.  Evelyn was such a good big sister.  She shared her poncho she made with him and let him sit next to her and introduce him to her friends.  She makes me so proud!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 160...

So as a parent, you never feel as hopeless as you do when your children has to undergo a medical procedure.  Today Timothy had to have a MRI done to confirm that he has all the parts of the inner ear required for a cochlear implant.  Now this is something we want to happen, but I was still bothered by my baby lying in bed, unconscious with oxygen tubes in his nose and I wasn't able to hold him.  He just looked so small and I just want to keep him safe as long as I can.  My sweet baby Tim.

In other news, Evelyn started soccer today.  We are just doing it though the city this summer to see if she likes it.  So far, so good.

Day 159...

Dietrich got sent to his room today for a time-out because he was ripping pages out of a book.  I go upstairs to talk to him about it and this is what I find.  He fell asleep on the floor right next to his bed with his jacket on and blanket clutched close to him.  I swear they only survive being little because they are so darn cute!

Day 158...

This is Persephone, aka Percy.  We are currently cat sitting for Matt and Nicole because they are temporary relocated while some much needed work is being down on the house.  She is definitely the feisty one.  Makes life interesting.

Day 157...

So last day in the Dells.  We spent a fairly quiet day.  We went fishing again, or should
I say Jessie went fishing again while I read a book.  Then we picked up our trout that we had caught the day before, and headed for home.  Along the way, we stopped at The House on the Rock.  A family friend went years ago and always talked about how cool it was.  Jessie and I found it to be quite creepy.  But it did have a few cool things.  One of those is the Infinity room.  This room would make anyone be scared of heights.  It is 218 feet long and extends out of the house 156 feet above the forest floor. There are no support poles holding it up and it shakes when you walk out in it.  Amazing views though and they have a little window cut into the floor to let you look down.  That is what today's picture is.  Below are two pictures from that show a good outside view of the room.  Truly amazing.  The middle picture shows most of the 3,264 windows.

Day 156...

SO I was channeling Huck Finn today.  Jessie wanted to go trout fishing so we did.  And then I not only caught more fish than him, I caught the biggest fish you could catch in the small trout pond.   It was a great start to the day.

Afterwards, we went to Noah's Ark.  It is a water park and it was a lot of fun.  They have a ride called the Black Anaconda and it is the coolest water coaster I have ever been on.  I highly recommend it.  For dinner that night, we went on a sunset dinner cruise.  Of course it was raining for the first part, but the sun did come out at the end.  A great day!

Day 155...

First night in the Wisonsoncin Dells.  Driving down the street, look over and see this.  The White house upside down.  It is a place called Top Secret and it look like it would be a great place to take the kids.  This trip though is just Jessie and me so we will have to check it out next time.

Day 154...

We had playgroup at the park today and as I was snapping pictures of the other kids playing, I happen to catch this shot of Timothy.  I really like this picture and I just wanted to share it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 153...

I am busy planning my little getaway with my hubby for this weekend.  We are going to the Wisconsin Dells and it should be a lot of fun.  Will post pictures when we get back.

Day 152...

Dietrich is at speech with Donna.  He is working on his "S" sounds and making lots of progress. 

Day 151...

She can't even slow down to eat her food.  This baby is on the move!

Dasy 150...

You better run, Savannah is going to get you!

Day 149...

Jessie took the middle kids fishing today with live bait.  First he had some fun at home.  Savannah was fasinated with the minnows and this picture just makes me laugh.  No minnow eating was done by Savannah or the other fishes.  Jessie will have to try another day.

Day 148...

There is a squirell in the grass and I just love to watch the little guys run around.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 147...

What a night!  Kids in bed, Jessie going up to bed, I am vegged out watching the last bit of a show before bed.  Out of no where comes a bat flying right at me.   So I did what any normal girl would do, I screamed for my husband.  A little back story, we had bats when we bought the house three and half years ago.  We have done this before, but we have had the house bat proofed and it has been at least two years since the last time I saw a bat in our house, so I was definately not expecting it.  We did manage to kill the bat and after putting it into this gray plastic bag, throw it away.  Of course I didn't think to grap my camera until after we had bagged up the bat, but the picture definately makes you go huh?!?

Day 146...

Summer is upon us.  We have bought water guns.  Let the fighting begin!

Day 145...

Dietrich had is end of the year program at Parents' Day Out today.  I can't believe how grown up my little boy is. 

Day 144...

Jessie doesn't like matching clothes for our kids.  Don't know why, I think it is very cute, but I have limited myself so to not go overboard with it.  I however couldn't not resist these matching pjs for Dietrich and Timothy.  Just too cute.  Of course you can's see Timmy's face in this one or Dietrich's eyes, but it is the best shot of the pjs.

Day 143...

The heat today was awful!  We decided to go to the Park in Hiawatha because they already had the splash pads tunred on.  The kids had a lot of fun.  We also did a cook out and man did Mason have a lot of fun.  We ate before the spalsh pad, so he went home clean but what a mess!

Day 142...

So Savannah is going through this biting phase.  It sucks, especially for Timothy and Mason as they are her favorite victims.  Here is Timmy's arm not long after she bit him.  Poor baby :(

Day 141...

Dietrich was being so silly, eating his pizza with a fork and Damien and Isaac couldn't pass up a photo opp.

Day 140...

Devan performing with Starfleet, Wilson's show choir.  This was there last official concert of the year.  Summer is almost here.