Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 312...

Dietrich does speech therapy every week and Donna, his speech therapist, always comes up with the cutest games for him to play and learn at the same time.  Evelyn is always wanting to get in on them.

Day 311...

Clearly not a new picture.  This month, Thanksgiving to be exact, will mark the four year anniversary of when we went to the temple and were sealed as a family.  We have come so far since then and grown so much.  I love that my family can be mine forever.

Day 310...

Damien and Isaac spent the night last night and had to have their favorite stuffed animals with them.

Day 309...

Evelyn didn't want to sleep in her bed tonight. 

Day 308...

Look momma, we can play nicely together!

Day 307...

Savannah says "look momma I can dress myself!"

Day 306...

Here are Jessie's and Evelyn's pumpkins.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 305...

Here are Devan's and Dietrich's pumpkins.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 303...

We carved our pumpkins today.  The kids all made their own designs.  Pictures of the finished product to follow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 302...

At the store tonight, Evelyn found applesauce in a pouch.  She thought it was totally awesome!

Day 301...

Timmy and Savannah love to play together.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 300...

We have Princess Evelyn with Ben 10, Sheriff Woody, and Doctor Savannah.

Day 299...

So a small turn-out for playschool today.  Just Dietrich and Brynlee, but they sure look cute in their costumes.

Day 298...

Dietrich gets to dress up in a costume 3 times this week.  Twice for PDO, his "school" and then also for the playschool that we do with some of the moms from church.  Can you guess who he is?

Day 297...

Timmy wanted to try his hand at wiping down the table!!

Day 296...

This picture is from several years ago, back when Devan was the only grandchild.  Four years ago next Wednesday, my father passed away.  We never had the closest relationship, but he tried very hard to be a good father and a good husband.  I think that counts for a lot.  I have been thinking of him a lot lately, and I know that while we miss him, he is where he needs to be.  I wanted to share this picture because I think that it is important to look back at where we come from and to remember the truly important things in life. Only my two oldest children got to meet him here on earth, but I have told all of my kids about this man who helped me become the person I am today.  I am determined that Grandpa Albert will not be forgotten.  Daddy, we love you and miss you! 

Day 295...

Evelyn had her first appointment with the eye doctor today.  She did really well and her eyes got a clean bill of health.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 294...

Timothy loves his shoes and blanket.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 293...

Savannah's assorted dinner.  Part of Evelyn's subway sandwich, Mandarin oranges, and a cut up hot dog.  She seems to like to mix it up.

Day 292...

Kathy comes over once a week to work with Timothy to help him develop his speech.  As you can see from this picture, Savannah and Dietrich like to get in on the action.

Day 291...

So this is what happens when I get behind on my picture of the day posts.  I forget that I already got a picture of Savannah driving just a week or two ago and take another one.  GO ME!

Day 290...

So I couldn't decide between the two.  Dietrich and Evelyn were both very excited to meet Finnegan.

Day 289...

Nicole had her baby today! 

Day 288...

This warm weather has been really nice.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Anniversary gift

So, a friend of mine did this great idea for her anniversary last year and I totally meant to do it for my anniversary this year and completely forgot about it.  Until today, when I saw her post about her anniversary this year.  OOPS!  What she did was one memory for each year of their marriage.  So honey, here you go, a little late, but still worth it.

1.  We drive to Texas three days after we are married.  Discover that Best Buy has big issues with paperwork and go for close to 2 months with missing or messed up paychecks before they fix everything.  I graduate from high school and have a memorable week with my best friend.  (98-99)

2.  We move twice in 1 year because of unintelligent landlady.  Survive water bubble in our dining room, front door being glued shut, and the neighbors that constantly complain that we are too loud when we are doing everyday things. Jessie has idiot moment and jumps off of 8 ft high hay bale, severely injuring his back. (99-00)

3. Move back to Iowa and relearn how to drive on winter roads.  Devan moves in with us and we are instant parents. (00-01)

4. Move to Waterloo and decide to go to college finally. Cook first Thanksgiving meal and it turns out well!  (01-02)

5. Move to Springville and start the adoption process for Devan.  Hardest time of our marriage. Diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. (02-03)

6. Buy our first home together. Find out we are expecting and finalize the adoption of Devan.  2 bedroom house  that was perfect size starting to feel a little small.  (03-04)

7. Evelyn is born after almost 22 hours of labor and spends 3 days in the NICU.  Learn to juggle school, baby, 3rd grader and a hubby that works 12 hour graveyard shifts.  (04-05)

8. Take a trip to 29 Palms, CA to see a buddy before he ships out to Irag. One month later, take a trip to a dude ranch in Montana and out fish my hubby when we go fly fishing.  Graduate from college. (05-06)
9. Buy a bigger house. My dad dies and Jessie is my rock.  Get sealed in the temple.  Dietrich is born after a no fuss scheduled induction. (06-07)
10. Family reunion weekend camping trip.  Jessie graduates from college.  Second honeymoon trip to the east coast and surprise pregnancy. Flood of 2008. (07-08)
11. Jessie's grandpa dies and Savannah is born.  Lots of changes and the bigger house is starting to feel small. (08-09)
12. Teela gives birth to Timothy who comes home from the hospital to our house.  Definitely feeling the need for more space.  It is discovered that Timothy is deaf and he has his first cochlear implant put in.  Life is hectic, but good. (09-10)

There you have it, 12 years of marriage.  Sometime it feels like so much more and sometimes I wonder where the time has gone.  I love my husband and the adventures we have together and can't wait to make more.