Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer is coming to an end...

In just a short week, the kids go back to school.  Summer vacation is ending.  Devan will be a sophomore, Evelyn will start 2nd grade, and Dietrich will start preschool a week later.  Heck, even Timothy and Savannah are going to be going to Parents Day Out (PDO), also known as Dietrich's school last year.  Right now it is just for one day a week, but we might add more depending on how they do.  Sigh, the time goes all so quickly. 

We have a meeting tomorrow with our adoption lawyer.  We are signing some paperwork that will be submitted to the court and will get us a court date to finalize the adoption of Timothy!  We are hopeful that it will be within the next month or so.  We have jumped through all of the hoops DHS put out there for us and now we are so close to closing this part of our lives and starting the chapter were we are all one big family!  The only sadness for me comes from knowing that I am unable to take Timothy to the temple to be sealed to this family when the adoption is finalized.  It will happen one day, just not sure when. 

Jessie has rediscovered his love of shooting.  It is all he seems to talk about lately.  He has even talked me into going to a gun show with him next month.  And letting hi take Evelyn out shooting for the first time later this week.  I have been out to the range a few times as well and shooting is an okay way to pass the time,  I guess.  :~P

Enjoy the last week of summer vacation!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

On vacation...

We are on vacation in Houston, TX right now.  From what I understand, it is just as hot in Iowa as it is here but here I get to enjoy the beach!  We have been here for just over a week already and have a few more days before we must head home.  Officially, we are on vacation until July 25, so even when we get home, we will still have a few days to unwind.  I will post pictures when we get back.  Not sure how great they will be.  The toddlers broke the screen on my camera at the beginning of the trip.  So far though, we have been to the beach, the NASA space center, the museum of natural science, the children's museum, the zoo, and of course, Joe's Crab Shack!  We plan to go to the aquarium and back to the beach still too.  Enjoy your summer!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


May just flew by.  With the kids finishing school, 2 cousins graduating from high school and Jessie's work trip, we were busy little bees.  But it was a good month.  The kids are growing and getting along well, for the most part.  We have made progress in our adoption journey and we are planning a trip to Texas for next month to see family and friends that we haven't seen in way too long.  We did get new windows which have been awesome! 

We have started our summer activities.  Dietrich is doing mighty sluggers this summer and Evelyn is doing bowling.  They are enjoying their summer so far.  We went to the theater and saw Kung Fu Panda 2 which was great and we have had Damien and Isaac over twice already to spend the night. 

I have discovered that I am a runner.  I love running!  I did a 5K in May and it was great.  My time was actually better than expected, especially since there were hills and I didn't train for hills.  Evelyn and Dietrich also did a mile fun run with me in May.  I hope to encourage my kids to be active from a young age so that they will be healthy and enjoy be active well into their adulthood.  I joined Weight Watchers in Feb. and so far have lost 16.4 pounds!  That is just over 10% of starting weight and about half of what I need to lose to get down to a good weight for me.  Not sure I will make it down to 125 pounds, but I am going to try.  I am loving how energetic I feel already and can't wait to see what else I can do.  I do turn 30 this year and I am trying to start it off right. 

Anyways, kiddos want to play on the computer, so I will write more later.  Get out there and enjoy life!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another week...

So this week, Jessie was home.  It was nice, especially since he took two days off.  We got Devan's closet reorganized, moved Dietrich's clothes into his new dresser, rotated out winter and too small clothes, and even got a date night in.  Jessie does leave again tomorrow for a five day conference in Las Vegas.  I am a little jealous!  Totally want to go to, but he will be busy the whole time he is there and I don't want to be there basically by myself, so I am staying home with the kids.  Don't have as much going on this week, just a meeting at Wilson where Evelyn will be starting second grade in the fall.  I can't believe she is that big already.  Time goes so fast.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My week...

Jessie left on Thursday to go to Maryland for work.  It is so easy to forget how much I rely on him to help me with the kids until he leaves me all alone.  So far, everything is going well.  No major problems and lots of love and support from my friends and fellow sisters in the ward. 

Of course, no week can be without its adventures and this week was no different.  On Tuesday, my washing machine decided to break.  It is leaking water from the seal we think and the soonest the repairman can come look at it is this Tuesday.  So we have been hanging out at Cole's doing laundry and just having fun.

Yesterday, Devan had a stake youth activity and got home around 9:30 pm.  He injured his foot and I had hoped it wasn't a big thing.  Turns out he cracked a bone in his foot and now has to use crutches and wear a "boot" for a few weeks.  Poor Devan, sure has been injury proned this past year.

Today was the Purifoy day at church it seemed.  Devan gave a talk in sacrament meeting on applying the scriptures and general conference talks to our lives.  Evelyn gave a talk in primary about how all mankind can be saved through the atonement.  And I taught the lesson in relief society about charity.  It went really well I think, especially since I had Timothy in the room the whole time.  Another sister was watching him, which was wonderful and really allowed me the chance to focus on my lesson. 

So Jessie is suppose to be home Friday afternoon and needless to say, I can't wait!  But I know things will be fine and the time will go quickly.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 364...

This is how Timothy and all of the kids rang in the new year.  Doesn't he look so cute in his bed?  I love this little guy!

And so ends my project 365, or should I say project 364 since this wasn't a leap year?  I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into my crazy life that I wouldn't trade for anything.  Come back and visit every so often and maybe there will be new updates.

Day 363...

Dietrich really loves baby Finn!  We did our last Christmas tonight with the Fosters.  It was a good holiday season.

Day 362...

So I used my super cool Adope Photoshop 9 to make a really cool invite for Dietrich's and Issac's birthday parties.  The first and last picture are the pictures I took today but I really wanted to share the whole invite as my picture for the day.

A friend recently commented that she missed my blogging, so I am finishing up my project 365 posts to be able to just blog about whatever I feel like talking about.  I guess it was just the kick in the rear I needed to be least for a few moments.  :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Posts to check

I finally posted pictures for Day 123 and Day 328.  Check them out.

Day 361...

My silly Savannah

Day 360...

Picture time with Grandma Deb.  Look at the cute matchy clothes.

day 359...

Picture to come.  I forgot to take pictures at my grandma's Christmas so I need to get pictures from my mom's camera.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 358...

Homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning, YUM!

Day 357...

Christmas #2 @ Great-Grandma Evelyn's.  Jessie always gets super silly around his aunts, uncles and cousins.  It was a fun night!

Day 356...

These dots are snowflakes.  I love the snow, especially around Christmas time!

Day 355...

Happy Birthday Devan!

Day 354...

Dietrich doesn't know which one of his Christmas toys to play with so he decided to play with all of them.  And so begins our Christmas celebrations, one down, five to go.

Day 353...

Deb arrived today and she got the three little kids these desk/chair combos and Timothy really loves his!

Day 352...

Timothy sure loves his daddy.

Day 351...

Savannah loves her new laptop from Grandma Deb.  Happy Birthday Savannah!

Day 350...

Happy 30th Birthday Nicole!

Day 349...

We have SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 348...

Dietrich singing in his Christmas program for his "school."  Notice the not Christmas attire?  Oops!  But it was a lot of fun to watch and he sang every song!

Day 347...

Timothy really loves this rocking horse and the XBox controller.  Silly boy!

Day 346...

The red dot that the arrow is pointing to is the only visible damage to my foot from the leaf for the kitchen table.  It fell on my foot and talk about pain!  It did eventually bruise up really good and now over 6 weeks later is still sensitive to the touch.  OUCH!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 345...

Evelyn decorating cookies at an activity offered by our local YMCA.

Day 344...

Christmas presents for Timothy from his biological paternal grandmother.

Day 343...

Savannah doing some Christmas shopping.

Day 342...

Dietrich had a lot of fun looking at the Christmas trees.

Day 341...

Doesn't Savannah make a cute elf?

Day 340...

Timothy was hanging out at Barnes and Noble while Evelyn sang with some kids from her school.