Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 230...

So today we did some service.  One of our friends just had baby #5.  She doesn't have family close by, so we went over to play with the 4 big kids for a few hours so she could take a nap with the baby.  The kids all played together really well and she got a good nap in.  A successful service day I think.

Day 229...

We went to the library tonight and my kids just looked so grown up with their very own bags for the books.

Day 228...

Our new baby gate.  We bought it becasue it is harder to knock over and it is taller so it is harder to climb over, trying to keep monkey Savannah out of the kitchen is becoming quite difficult.

Day 227...

Dietrich again...playing with this Ben 10 aliens while wearing his ultrmatrix, the new and improved version of the omnitrix.

Day 226...

Evelyn is sick today.  She has spent a lot of time cuddled on the couch under a blanket while running a 102 degree temp.  My poor baby

Day 225...

Dietrich went down to Iowa City today to participate in a study.  This is the hat that he wore so that they could figure out what parts of his brain he was using doing the tasks they asked him to do.

Day 224...

This is the X-ray of Devan's knee taken 4 days after he injured it.  The shadowy circle in the upper half is his patella or knee cap.  It is suppose to be down over where the two bones meet.  Can we say dislocation?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 223...

Timothy is having a lot of fun with the pin wheel.

Day 222...

Savannah was being fussy so the big kids decided to try and cheer her up.  She really enjoyed tickling their toes.

Day 221...

I love how green everything is after it rains.

Day 220...

One full week of picking up the house every night before bed!  WOO HOO!  I love waking up to a clean house!

Day 219...

We made it to Michael's baptism today.  Here are Damien and Evelyn along with some of the other children enjoying the refreshments afterwards.

Day 218...

All of the kids just playing and being silly!

Day 217...

My van all loaded up with the food for the relief society dinner.  Of course, once I got there, I realized I had forgotten the watermelon and the breadsticks at home.  Silly me!

Day 216...

This is Savannah favorite toy right now.  She is so cute when she sits at and just plays.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 215...

My really awesome shirt from Jessie's mom

Day 214...

Look at how messy I am Mom!

Day 213...

Savannah was singing as she helped Dora fix something

Day 212...

My mother's day present a few years ago.  I wanted a picture frame to be dedicated to my family.  I have baby pictures of my kids along with pictures with the grandparents in it.  I do need to add Timothy into these pictures, but I am waiting until we make some progress with the whole situation.  So hopefully in a few weeks...

Day 211...

Dietrich is potty-trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 210...

Timothy playing with his ball at the park

Day 209...

My rough and tumble boys